I am not a huge handbag fan. They are useful and I have a small selection suitable for different activities – work, holiday, evening – but I have never understood the desire for lavish, designer bags with ridiculously high price tags.
I did, however, thoroughly enjoy handbags at the V&A. If you haven’t seen it yet, the exhibition runs till 16 January 2022. And, as with all V&A exhibitions, Bags: Inside Out explores beyond the pure aesthetic of the handbag looking at function, design and craftsmanship.
Because of Covid, visitor numbers are limited, which gives you a great opportunity to really linger over each exhibit. Either marvelling over the fine detail or playing ‘spot the most ridiculous design’.
The collection includes Jane Birkin’s original Hermès Birkin bag and one of the Queen’s neat black patent Traviata bags, as well as novelty evening bags, political carrier bags and recycled messenger bags.
Bags can be beautiful as well as bonkers, practical or pointless. This is an informative as well as fun experience. I recommend it.
To book tickets for Handbags at the V&A click here
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The image at the top is of a leather clutch bag, 1935, given as a gift to first class passengers on the cruise ship Normandie for her maiden voyage from Le Havre to new York. The bag is in the shape of the ocean liner.